
Our Technologies and Services

Our collaborative group provides a wide range of holistic and healing programs to individuals, groups, and the community.

Energy Medicine is our Future

The frequency technology is a fast-paced, evolving industry that has multiple uses to support healthy body-mind-spirit. In response to the ever changing healthcare and environmental climate, Quantum Healing Center of NH (QHCNH) will offer life changing services that can assist and balance an individual and community. These bio-resonance technologies combine body, mind, spirit and science that can help an individual reach higher states of health, maximize healing potential, and achieve a higher state of consciousness.

List of Technologies and Services Available

Energy Enhancement System©

generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, reduce inflammation, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate mood, & assist in balancing right & left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.

The Healy Device©

is a revolutionary, certified, medical device that is cleared and approved by the FDA for pain. The Healy can work with a cell phone or a tablet that downloads various applications for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness for people as well as animals.

PEMF-Bemer Magnetic Therapy

is a FDA registered class II Medical Device. The PEMF-Bemer is a bio-physical proven application that activates the body’s own powers of self-healing. A unique bio-rhythmic impulse is sent to body where it stimulates the micro-circulation without any known side effects. The PEMF-Bemer can enhance blood flow, nutrient and oxygen supply, body waste disposal concentration and mental acuity, physical fitness, cardio function, endurance, energy, stress reduction, better sleep management and greater relaxation.

PEMF-Bemer Therapy Benefits

• Improved Health & Vitality • Increases Energy & Endurance • Relieves Aches & Pains • Enhances Mental Focus • Reduces Overall Stress • Generates More Restful Sleep • Strengthens Immune System • Heightens Performance • Speeds Recovery

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) for People & Pets

Integrated Energy Therapy, developed by Steven Thayer at the Center of Being, uses high frequency (angelic) energy to work directly with your body's cellular memory and energy field to get the 'issues out of your tissues'. IET helps you to safely and gently release limiting energy patterns from your past, empower and balance your life in the present, and embody your full potential as you move into your future.

Myofasical Wellness

Fascia is an uninterrupted 3-dimensional tissue in the body that surrounds and infuses every muscle, bone, organ, vessel, nerve and cell. In very simplistic terms, it functions to create structure and stability of the body. Its fibers are meant to slide and glide to allow for appropriate movement and function of the skeleton and organs. It can become restricted due to surgery, injury/trauma, chronic poor posture, inflammatory processes. When this happens it can affect posture, impede normal motion, cause pain and tension, and affect function of the organs. Myofascial Release helps to release these restrictions allowing for improved posture, motion, energy, and alleviate pain and tension.


~ Angel Reading: Angels are very powerful healers and messengers of the Divine. An angel reading is an easy way to connect and talk with your Angels and can help you start a dialogue with your Angels. An angel reading consists of using Angel and Fairy oracle cards and listening to the intuitive messages that are heard from your Angels. Your Angels want to help you with everything from sacred guidance to inspiration. Your Angels always speak from a place of love and when you invite your Angels into your life, your life will never be the same. ~ Animal Readings: Animal communication is telepathic communication. It can also be described as deepened intuition. All of us have intuitive capabilities, which we are aware of in day to day life, and these can be developed and expanded to become telepathic communication. Animal communication helps people understand their dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, birds, etc. from the animals’ perspectives. Every session is a unique experience. ~ Medical Intuitive: An initial scan of your body, and any imbalances and potential illnesses/conditions is communicated and recommendations for healing received during the reading will be shared. NOTE: This does not replace traditional medical care. ~ Soul Reading: A soul reading is a more in-depth reading that provides you with information about your soul’s essence. In this reading, you will come to know what Divine ray you came in on which impacts the personality of the person and their soul, the age and level of your soul, the role of your soul (king, warrior, priest, sage, scholar, server, and artisan), life lessons for this lifetime, goal of the soul (the primary motivator for the soul), and the mode of the soul (the method or action one takes to achieve one’s goal). This type of reading is done via email only.


Reflexology is a mind/body/spirit modality. A complementary, holistic therapy, it is based on the principle that all of the systems of the body are mapped out in reflex points on the feet (also the hands and ears). Reflexology is not just a foot massage (although it feels amazing)! I have clients that have been living with digestive issues, chronic pain, sleep issues and more. After regular treatments, sometimes almost immediately, they begin to see improvement. Just like massage, or getting a pedicure or manicure, Reflexology should be part of your monthly self-care routine.


Reiki (Ray-Key) means Universal Life Energy – the healing energy of the universe. Reiki is an ancient, gentle, hands-on healing art that facilitates deep relaxation, relieves pain and promotes healing and personal growth. Reiki stimulates your body’s innate healing resources. We live in a world of energy, and when there is an energetic block, this can affect all areas of our lives. When the energy is moving freely, there is balance and harmony in and around us.

Terahertz Wand by iTeraCare

The iTeraCare Terahertz device is a frequency therapy device that uses terahertz technology to positively influence your body’s health and well-being12. It emits terahertz waves that interact with the cells and bones of your body in a unique way, promoting balance and vitality12. iTeraCare devices are designed to enhance your well-being and improve your health using cutting-edge proprietary technologies. The Terahertz Wand is affordable, portable and user friendly. The device integrates 3 innovative technologies: terahertz frequency, quantum energy (scalar wavs), optical quartz with includes over 100 trace elements). The frequencies emitted can penetrate about 8-12 inches into the body to facilitate deep healing. The radiant energy allows healthy cells to remove unaffected and the unhealthy cells are broken down and eliminated thought the body waster for efficient detoxification. With consistent use, the iTeraCare device helps to eliminate unhealthy cells, activate inert cells, increase circulation, clear meridians, and the lymphatic system, stimulate endocrine glands, and decrease water retention. By optimizing the bodily functions above, the Terahertz Wand can improve the following: inflammation in any body system, muscular and skeletal discomfort, hormone balance, immunity, tissue regeneration in targeted areas, pain relief, and can even help with maintaining good skin health like acne, psoriasis, and wrinkles. The Terahertz device can charge water which enhances cellular activity, improves nutrient assimilaton, reduce blood viscosity and aids in detoxication. iTeraCare Therapy Device certification is stringently tested, inspected and certified by the China Beijing Academy of Sciences and National Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Certification and many other authoritative organization.

Shambala and Usui Reiki

are techniques used to regain harmony and wholeness.

Vibrational Medicine

uses specific frequencies to promote general wellness and relief from specific problems. Everything in the universe is energy. But matching specific frequencies with specific problems, the body and emotions effortless change.

Ready to Schedule?

When you are ready to schedule a session with one of our therapies, please visit the Therapist page to contact the Therapist directly. Located under each therapist is the list of therapies that they offer. This will make scheduling your session easy.

Terahertz Wand by iTeraCare

The iTeraCare Terahertz device is a frequency therapy device that uses terahertz technology to positively influence your body’s health and well-being12. It emits terahertz waves that interact with the cells and bones of your body in a unique way, promoting balance and vitality12. iTeraCare devices are designed to enhance your well-being and improve your health using cutting-edge proprietary technologies. The Terahertz Wand is affordable, portable and user friendly. The device integrates 3 innovative technologies: terahertz frequency, quantum energy (scalar wavs), optical quartz with includes over 100 trace elements). The frequencies emitted can penetrate about 8-12 inches into the body to facilitate deep healing. The radiant energy allows healthy cells to remove unaffected and the unhealthy cells are broken down and eliminated thought the body waster for efficient detoxification. With consistent use, the iTeraCare device helps to eliminate unhealthy cells, activate inert cells, increase circulation, clear meridians, and the lymphatic system, stimulate endocrine glands, and decrease water retention. By optimizing the bodily functions above, the Terahertz Wand can improve the following: inflammation in any body system, muscular and skeletal discomfort, hormone balance, immunity, tissue regeneration in targeted areas, pain relief, and can even help with maintaining good skin health like acne, psoriasis, and wrinkles. The Terahertz device can charge water which enhances cellular activity, improves nutrient assimilaton, reduce blood viscosity and aids in detoxication. iTeraCare Therapy Device certification is stringently tested, inspected and certified by the China Beijing Academy of Sciences and National Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Certification and many other authoritative organization.


Disclaimer: We or anyone associated with QHCNH makes no claim of specific health benefit in regard to the use of the Energy Enhancement System™, Healy Device or any other technology used for health and wellness. However, there is preliminary evidence that it may enhance detoxification, human cell repair, neurotransmitter function and circulation.  QHCNH does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose illness. These technologies are not a substitute for conventional medical services.  If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, please consult your physician